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Our nation and Congress are challenged by a complex array of competing interests, ideologies, and demands. While the nation is divided, it is not ungovernable. The Bipartisan Policy Center works to support and highlight productive partisans who demonstrate that it is not necessary to compromise principle to achieve bipartisan progress.


BPC established the Legislative Achievement Award to acknowledge creative and courageous members who are breathing life into the legislative process. The award is given to new members who demonstrate the skill, grace, and tenacity to get things done for their constituents and the nation.


The Legislative Action Award is focused on members who have:

  • Served six years or less in their current chamber.
  • Demonstrated skill and courage in the face of political challenges to confront substantive problems.
  • Provided a positive tenor to the legislative process.
  • Offered a template for improving the functionality of the institution through their example.


Our Award Selection Committee is comprised of senior BPC leadership, board members, the co-chairs of BPC’s Commission on Political Reform, and representatives from businesses and non-profits.


The 2018 Legislative Action Award recipients are each highly productive leaders with proven ability to work across the aisle and to develop and enact significant legislation.

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